Region: FIJI REGION Geographic coordinates: 17 066S, 178 986W Magnitude: 5 1 Depth: 541 km Universal Time (UTC): 18 Dec 2015 22:14:10 Time near the Epicenter: 18 Dec 2015 10:14:10 Local standard time in your area: 19 Dec 2015 08:14:10
Location with respect to nearby cities: 188 km (116 mi) ESE of Lambasa, Fiji 297 km (184 mi) ENE of Suva, Fiji 390 km (241 mi) ENE of Nadi, Fiji 601 km (372 mi) NW of Nuku`alofa, Tonga 853 km (528 mi) WSW of Apia, Samoa
event ID : us 1000488k
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