Date: November 9th 2006

HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE - Continuing to collect World Class Science


PERIOD COVERED: UT November 07, 2006 (DOY 311)


ACS/HRC 10832

Solving the microlensing puzzle: An HST high-resolution imaging approach

We propose to use the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys High Resolution Channel to obtain high resolution imaging data for 10 bona-fide LMC microlensing events seen in the original MACHO survey The purpose of this survey will be to assess whether or not the lens and source stars have separated enough to be resolved since the original microlensing event took place - about a decade has passed since the original MACHO survey and the HST WFPC2 follow-up observations of the microlensing events If the components of the lensing event are resolved, we will determine the apparent magnitude and color of both the lens and the source stars These data, in combination with Spitzer/IRAC data and Magellan near-IR JHK data, will be used to ascertain the basic properties of the lens stars With the majority of the microlensing events in the original MACHO survey observed at the highest spatial resolution currently possible, we will be able to draw important conclusions as to what fraction of these events have lenses which belong to some population of dwarf stars in the disk and what fraction must be due to lenses in the halo or beyond These data will greatly increase our understanding of the structure of the Galaxy by characterizing the stellar population responsible for the gravitational microlensing


CCD Hot Pixel Annealing

Hot pixel annealing will continue to be performed once every 4 weeks The CCD TECs will be turned off and heaters will be activated to bring the detector temperatures to about +20C This state will be held for approximately 6 hours, after which the heaters are turned off, the TECs turned on, and the CCDs returned to normal operating condition To assess the effectiveness of the annealing, a bias and four dark images will be taken before and after the annealing procedure for both WFC and HRC The HRC darks are taken in parallel with the WFC darks The charge transfer efficiency {CTE} of the ACS CCD detectors declines as damage due to on-orbit radiation exposure accumulates This degradation has been closely monitored at regular intervals, because it is likely to determine the useful lifetime of the CCDs We combine the annealling activity with the charge transfer efficiency monitoring and also merge into the routine dark image collection To this end, the CTE monitoring exposures have been moved into this proposal All the data for this program is acquired using internal targets {lamps} only, so all of the exposures should be taken during Earth occultation time {but not during SAA passages} This program emulates the ACS pre-flight ground calibration and post-launch SMOV testing {program 8948}, so that results from each epoch can be directly compared Extended Pixel Edge Response {EPER} and First Pixel Response {FPR} data will be obtained over a range of signal levels for both the Wide Field Channel {WFC}, and the High Resolution Channel {HRC}

ACS/WFC 10793

A Survey for Supernovae in Massive High-Redshift Clusters

We propose to continue our ongoing program designed to measure, to an unprecedented 30% accuracy, the SN-Ia rate in a sample of massive z=0 5-0 9 galaxy clusters The SN-Ia rate is a poorly known observable, especially at high z, and in cluster environments The SN rate and its redshift dependence can serve as powerful discrimiminants for a number of key issues in astrophysics and cosmology Our observations will: 1 Put clear constraints on the characteristic SN-Ia "delay time," the typical time between the formation of a stellar population and the explosion of some of its members as SNe-Ia Such constraints can exclude entire categories of SN-Ia progenitor models, since different models predict different delays 2 Help resolve the question of the dominant source of the high metallicity in the intracluster medium {ICM} - SNe-Ia, or core-collapse SNe from an early stellar population with a top-heavy IMF, perhaps those population III stars responsible for the early re-ionization of the Universe Since clusters are excellent laboratories for studying enrichment {they generally have a simple star-formation history, and matter cannot leave their deep potentials}, the results will be relevant for understanding metal enrichment in general, and the possible role of first generation stars in early Universal enrichment Observations obtained so far during cycle 14 yield many SNe in our cluster fields, but our follow-up campaign reveals most are not in cluster galaxies Our interim results indicate a cluster SN rate at the very low end of the range considered, and its accuracy is limited by the small number of cluster SNe We request additional visits to increase the number of cluster SNe and achieve a measurement that is not limited by Poisson errors A detailed progress report is included

ACS/WFC 10881

The Ultimate Gravitational Lensing Survey of Cluster Mass and Substructure

We propose a systematic and detailed investigation of the mass, substructure, and thermodynamics of one hundred X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at 0 151} cluster samples For this ultimate cluster survey, we request ACS SNAPSHOTS through the F606W filter drawn from a target list of 143 clusters

ACS/WFC/NIC2 10496

Decelerating and Dustfree: Efficient Dark Energy Studies with Supernovae and Clusters

We propose a novel HST approach to obtain a dramatically more useful "dust free" Type Ia supernovae {SNe Ia} dataset than available with the previous GOODS searches Moreover, this approach provides a strikingly more efficient search-and-follow-up that is primarily pre- scheduled The resulting dark energy measurements do not share the major systematic uncertainty at these redshifts, that of the extinction correction with a prior By targeting massive galaxy clusters at z > 1 we obtain a five-times higher efficiency in detection of Type Ia supernovae in ellipticals, providing a well-understood host galaxy environment These same deep cluster images then also yield fundamental calibrations required for future weak lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements of dark energy, as well as an entire program of cluster studies The data will make possible a factor of two improvement on supernova constraints on dark energy time variation, and much larger improvement in systematic uncertainty They will provide both a cluster dataset and a SN Ia dataset that will be a longstanding scientific resource


Galaxy properties in a Filament in Abell 851

We propose to image two fields that cover the filament of galaxies that is streaming into the remarkable cluster Abell 851, z=0 41, one of the two examples of the expected mechanism of cluster growth These observations will test theories of alteration of galaxy morphology and star formation history for galaxies infalling into intermediate redshift clusters

FGS 10929

Calibrating the Mass-Luminosity Relation at the End of the Main Sequence

We propose to use HST-FGS1R to finish calibrating the mass-luminosity relation for stars less massive than 0 5 Msun, with special emphasis on objects near the stellar/substellar border Our goals are to determine Mv values to 0 05 magnitude and masses to 5%, and thereby build the fundamental database of stellar masses that we will use to test theoretical models as never before This program uses the combination of HST-FGS3/FGS1R at optical wavelengths, historical infrared speckle data, ground-based parallax work, metallicity studies, and radial velocity monitoring to examine nearby, subarcsecond binary systems The high precision separation and position angle measurements with HST-FGS3/FGS1R {to 1 mas in the separations} for these faint {V = 10-15} targets simply cannot be equaled by any ground-based technique As a result of these measurements, we are deriving high quality luminosities and masses for the components in the systems, and characterizing their spectral energy distributions from 0 5 to 2 2 microns One of the objects, GJ 1245 C with mass 0 074 +/- 0 002 Msun, is the only object known with an accurate dynamical mass less than 0 10 Msun The payoff of this proposal is high because the six systems selected for final observations in Cycles 15 and 16 have already been resolved during Cycles 5-13 with HST FGS3/FGS1R and contain most of the reddest objects for which accurate dynamical masses can be determined

NIC1/NIC2/NIC3 8794

NICMOS Post-SAA calibration - CR Persistence Part 5

A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of NICMOS Dark frames will be obtained immediately upon exiting the SAA contour 23, and every time a NICMOS exposure is scheduled within 50 minutes of coming out of the SAA The darks will be obtained in parallel in all three NICMOS Cameras The POST-SAA darks will be non-standard reference files available to users with a USEAFTER date/time mark The keyword 'USEAFTER=date/time' will also be added to the header of each POST-SAA DARK frame The keyword must be populated with the time, in addition to the date, because HST crosses the SAA ~8 times per day so each POST-SAA DARK will need to have the appropriate time specified, for users to identify the ones they need Both the raw and processed images will be archived as POST-SAA DARKSs Generally we expect that all NICMOS science/calibration observations started within 50 minutes of leaving an SAA will need such maps to remove the CR persistence from the science images Each observation will need its own CRMAP, as different SAA passages leave different imprints on the NICMOS detectors

NIC2 10893

Sweeping Away the Dust: Reliable Dark Energy with an Infrared Hubble Diagram

We propose building a high-z Hubble Diagram using type Ia supernovae observed in the infrared rest-frame J-band The infrared has a number of exceptional properties The effect of dust extinction is minimal, reducing a major systematic tha may be biasing dark energy measurements Also, recent work indicates that type Ia supernovae are true standard candles in the infrared meaning that our Hubble diagram will be resistant to possible evolution in the Phillips relation over cosmic time High signal-to-noise measurements of 9 type Ia events at z~0 4 will be compared with an independent optical Hubble diagram from the ESSENCE project to test for a shift in the derived dark energy equation of state due to a systematic bias Because of the bright sky background, H-band photometry of z~0 4 supernovae is not feasible from the ground Only the superb image quality and dark infrared sky seen by HST makes this test possible This experiment may also lead to a better, more reliable way of mapping the expansion history of the universe with the Joint Dark Energy Mission

NIC3/NIC1/NIC2 11059

Flats Stability

This calibration proposal is the Cycle 15 NICMOS flat field monitor program A series of camera 1, 2, & 3 flat fields will be obtained to monitor the health of the cameras

WFPC2 10745


This calibration proposal is the Cycle 14 routine internal monitor for WFPC2, to be run weekly to monitor the health of the cameras A variety of internal exposures are obtained in order to provide a monitor of the integrity of the CCD camera electronics in both bays {both gain 7 and gain 15 -- to test stability of gains and bias levels}, a test for quantum efficiency in the CCDs, and a monitor for possible buildup of contaminants on the CCD windows These also provide raw data for generating annual super-bias reference files for the calibration pipeline


Significant Spacecraft Anomalies: (The following are preliminary reports of potential non-nominal performance that will be investigated )

HSTARS: 10498 - GSACQ (2,3,3) failed, Search Radius Limit Exceeded on FGS 3 GSACQ(2,3,3) at 311/18:09:17 failed due to Search Radius Limit Exceeded on FGS 3 at 18:13:25 OBAD data prior to GSACQ showed RSS attitude correction of 9 68 arcseconds, OBAD map after GSACQ failure showed RSS error of 27 90 arcseconds

COMPLETED OPS REQUEST: 17956-0 - GenSlew for Proposal 10847 - Slot 12 17957-0 - GenSlew for Proposal 10847 - Slot 13 17958-0 - GenSlew for Proposal 10847 - Slot 14 17959-0 - GenSlew for Proposal 10847 - Slot 01


                      SCHEDULED      SUCCESSFUL

FGS GSacq 09 08 FGS REacq 05 05 OBAD with Maneuver 28 28


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