Secretary of Defense Donald H.
Rumsfeld hosts an honor cordon to welcome Minister of Defense of Croatia, Berislav Roncevic at 2 p.m.
EDT. The cordon will be held on the steps of the Pentagon Mall Entrance. Media must be at the Pentagon North Parking Entrance no later than 1:30 p.m.
for escort to the cordon
Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England has no public or media events on his schedule.
Timothy Keating, Commander, Northern Command delivers remarks to the National Homeland Defense Symposium at 9 a.m.
MT in Colorado Springs, CO.
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, Gen.
James Jones and Commander, Joint Forces Command Gen.
Lance Smith testify at a hearing of the Commission on National Guard and Reserves at 9 a.m.
EDT at the Rayburn House Office Building Rm.
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