18 November 2008 For immediate releaseNATO PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY URGESCONTINUED COMMITMENT TO KOSOVOThe 54th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly meeting inValencia on 14-18 November urged governments and parliaments of NATOmember and partner countries to remain committed to securing peace andstability in Kosovo through the required international military andcivilian presence. A resolution passed by the Plenary Session held on 18November calls for a clear division of responsibility and effectiveco-ordination and co-operation mechanisms among all internationalinstitutions in Kosovo.This includes overcoming remaining obstacles to the conclusion of atechnical agreement between NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) and the EU rule oflaw mission, EULEX. The resoluton calls for the prompt deployment of EULEXthroughout Kosovo and for the full resourcing of its efforts to strengthenthe rule of law.The resolution seeks to foster the process of rebuilding mutual confidencebetween Belgrade and Pristina, as well as among ethnic groups in Kosovo byencouraging dialogue between the two capitals on the six issues identifiedin the UN Secretary-General’s June 2008 report: police, courts, customs,transportation and infrastructure, boundaries, and Serbian patrimony. Italso encourages a more active and constructive dialogue between Pristinaand Kosovo Serb representatives.The resolution favours pragmatic solutions maintaining Kosovo as a singleadministrative unit and taking into account the legitimate concerns oflocal populations in Serb-majority areas. It supports the implementationof measures aimed at enhancing the protection of Kosovo Serbs and otherminorities, including further decentralisation and a genuinely multiethnicKosovo Police Service, and the creation of the conditions for the returnof displaced persons to their homes.The resolution favours continuing “to offer all countries of the regionclear prospects of and sustained assistance with their full integrationinto Euro-Atlantic institutions and, in particular, to support activelySerbia’s renewed commitment and efforts towards Euro-Atlanticintegration.”The resoluton commends KFOR personnel “for their excellent performance indemanding conditions” and stresses “the ongoing need for a strong KFORpresence to maintain a safe and secure environment throughout Kosovo.”
News and information on the Session is routinely placed on the NATO PA website
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