Arctic Sea Ice Below Average in Winter 2023
The end-of-winter sea ice extent in March 2023 was the fifth lowest in the satellite record.
Freddy Delivers Another Blow
The storm's arrival in Malawi and Mozambique unleashed destructive floods and mudslides.
The Widening of Neptune Pass
The pass now has a flow five times that of New York's Hudson River.
Evaporation from Laguna Ojo de Liebre
An astronaut spotted colorful evaporation ponds in Mexico while in orbit over the Baja Peninsula.
Precipitation Piles on in California
Successive atmospheric rivers in March dropped even more rain and snow throughout the state.
How Dust Affects the World's Health
NASA research finds that a combination of windblown dust and human-caused particle pollution was associated with nearly 3 million premature deaths in 2019.
Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches Another Record Low
The long-term trend for sea ice in the south is still flat, while the global trend points downward.