Date: August 2nd 2005

STS-114 Report #11 Sunday, July 31, 2005 – 3 p m CDT Mission Control Center, Houston, Texas

The transfer of equipment and supplies from Discovery to the International Space Station and preparations for MondayÂ’s planned spacewalk by Mission Specialists Soichi Noguchi and Steve Robinson were the focus of today's activities in space

Noguchi, of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and Robinson, along with remaining Discovery crewmembers, Commander Eileen Collins, Pilot Jim Kelly and Mission Specialists Andy Thomas, Wendy Lawrence and Charlie Camarda, worked on moving items from the Shuttle to the Station They were helped by International Space Station Commander Sergei Krikalev and NASA ISS Science Officer John Phillips

Approximately six tons of hardware and equipment, including the 600-pound Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) that will be installed on the exterior of the Station during MondayÂ’s spacewalk, will be moved from Discovery to the Station Just over three and a half tons of material, including the replaced CMG, will return to Earth aboard Discovery

Noguchi, Robinson and Thomas prepared for Monday’s spacewalk by setting up some of the tools and they will use to install the new CMG outside the Station Thomas will once again serve as coach and monitor inside Discovery during the spacewalk Working from aboard the Station, Kelly and Lawrence will use the Station’s Canadarm2 to maneuver Noguchi between the two spacecraft during the removal and installation of the CMGs In preparation for that activity, Kelly and Lawrence “walked” the Station arm into position on the Destiny Laboratory All nine crewmembers also participated in a review of spacewalk activities near the end of their working day

Collins, Kelly and Carmarda talked with reporters from ABC News, Fox News and NBC at about 5:40 a m CDT About 7:25 a m Collins, Noguchi, Robinson and Phillips talked with CBS News, CNN and Discovery Channel

Engineers and mission managers continued to analyze information about Discovery's thermal protection system They have cleared the orbiter's tiles and a decision was expected later today on the analysis of reinforced carbon-carbon protection for the nose cone and wing leading edges

Mission managers continue to look at two gap-filler areas These coated-fiber gap fillers are used to keep hot gas from flowing into gaps in the thermal protection, in these two cases, in tile-protected areas Two gap fillers are protruding, and teams are working to determine whether any action is required by the crew

The next STS-114 mission status report will be issued Monday morning, or earlier if events warrant

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