Date: June 30th 2006

NOTE: The previous email had incorrect times listed The correct time is 04:25 UT on July 3 (12:25 a m EDT on July 3 or 9:25 p m PDT on July 2) We apologize for the error

A large asteroid will make an exceptionally close approach to our planet early on July 3, passing just beyond the Moon's average distance from Earth

Named 2004 XP14, it will pass closest to Earth at 04:25 UT on July 3 (12:25 a m EDT on July 3 or 9:25 pm PDT on July 2)

Even for experienced backyard astronomers, this asteroid will be challenging to spot Those who have an eight-inch or larger aperture telescope with moderate-to-high magnification and are blessed with dark, transparent skies and steady "seeing" may probably have a good chance of catching a glimpse of it

Starry Night users can see its exact location instantaneously Be sure to update your "Comets /Asteroids/Satellites" data, and then simply type "2004 XP14" in the Find pane

If you don't own Starry Night, you can buy Digital Download to view where and when the comet might be seen in your part of the world http://store yahoo com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-49664100110157+wT339H+dd4-core-esd html

Click here to buy Starry Night Digital Download: http://store starrynightstore com/dd4-core-esd html

Check out the SPACE com article on how to spot the asteroid: http://www space com/spacewatch/060629_night_sky html

Happy Hunting!

The Starry Night Team

Starry Night® is the world's leading line of astronomy software and home video Visit www StarryNight com to see all the great products we offer for everyone from novice to experienced astronomers

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