Date: July 27th 2006


Thursday, July 27, 2006

STATION SPACEWALK BRIEFING AND TV COVERAGE Date/Time/Location: Thursday, July 27, 2 p m , NASA TV NASA will preview the next International Space Station Expedition 13 crew spacewalk during a briefing from Johnson Space Center View the briefing on NASA TV or online The six-hour spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 9:55 a m EDT, Aug 3 NASA TV coverage will start at 9 a m EDT For details, visit: http://www nasa gov/station

CI TRAVEL OFFICE - RENOVATIONS SCHEDULED Contact: CI Travel Office 358-1258 While renovations are underway Thursday, July 27, the CI Travel Office at headquarters will only offer limited services For details, call 358-1258 In the event of an emergency, contact Clint Green, the headquarters transportation officer, at 358-0825

MANDATORY FY 2006 IT SECURITY TRAINING Date/Time/Location: Thursday, July 27, 1:45 p m , MIC 5 Friday, July 28, 9:45 a m , MIC 5 Monday, July 31, 9:45 a m , MIC 5 Contact: Greg Kerr 358-2218 All NASA Headquarters civil service and contractor employees must complete Information Technology Security training by July 31 in a classroom session or online at https://satern nasa gov For details, visit: http://www hq nasa gov/office/codec/codeci/security/Training/awarenes htm

SATERN DEMONSTRATION: COURSE REGISTRATION Date/Time/Location: Thursday, July 27, 10 a m - noon, MIC 5-A Contact: Sheila Jackson (301) 286-2022 Attend this demonstration and learn more about SATERN, the single source for online training and on and off-site course registration

INTERNATIONAL CONTINUING HEALTH EDUCATION SERIES Date/Time/Location: Friday, July 28, 10 a m - noon, Room CD61 Contact: Dr Wing Chan 358-0592 Session 5 of "Avian Influenza -- A Potential Pandemic" includes two presentations: "Surveillance of Wild Birds and Embargo of Birds/Bird Products" by J Clifford, D V M, U S Department of Agriculture; and "Non-pharmaceutical Public Health Interventions: Strategy and Implementation in the Setting of Pandemic Influenza" by M Doney, M D , M P H , M S , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

NASA FIRST PROGRAM NOMINATIONS Date: Monday, July 31 (deadline) Contact: Donna Williams 358-3624 NASA civil service employees at the GS-11-12 level are invited to apply for the NASA Foundations of Influence, Relationships, Success and Teamwork (FIRST) Pilot Program, a one-year development program For details and forms, visit: http://leadership nasa gov/nasa_first/home htm

HEADQUARTERS TRAINING CLASSES Estate, Incapacity, and Long Term Care Planning Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, Aug 2, 11:30 a m - 1 p m , Room 3P50 Contact: Evelin Saxinger 358-1311 esaxinge@hq nasa gov

Office Politics: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Date/Time/Location: Thursday, Aug 3, 8:30 a m - 4 p m , Room 3P44 Contact: Sharon Boykins (301) 286-7508 sharon l boykins@nasa gov

To register for these on-site courses, visit https://satern nasa gov

NASA HISTORY CONFERENCE IN SEPTEMBER Date/Location: Sept 19 - 21, Smithsonian¹s Hirshhorn Museum Contact: NASA History Division 358-0384 The NASA History Division will host a local, free conference on the societal impact of spaceflight Early registration is recommended See http://history nasa gov/socimpactconf/index html for details

EXTERNAL TRAINING REGISTRATION AND PURCHASE GO TO NSSC Contact: Mary Alice Diedrich 358-1159 Effective July 3, registration and purchase of offsite/external training were transferred to the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) Employees should submit requests for training through SATERN, NASA¹s new learning management system For details, visit the NSSC Web site at: http://www nssc nasa gov

HEADS UP E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION OPTION Contact: Mary Fenton 358-4817 nasa_inc@hq nasa gov The e-mail version of Heads Up is available by subscription only To subscribe online, follow the instructions at: http://www hq nasa gov/heads-up/subscribe html To review current or past issues of Heads Up online, visit: http://insidenasa nasa gov/nasa_nas/ops/NASA_INC


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