Region: OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE Geographic coordinates: 35 622S, 73 241W Magnitude: 5 2 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 28 Sep 2014 08:46:32 Time near the Epicenter: 28 Sep 2014 03:46:33 Local standard time in your area: 28 Sep 2014 18:46:32
Location with respect to nearby cities: 81 km (50 mi) WSW of Constitucion, Chile 91 km (56 mi) WNW of Cauquenes, Chile 113 km (70 mi) NNW of Tome, Chile 121 km (75 mi) N of Talcahuano, Chile 338 km (209 mi) SW of Santiago, Chile
event ID : us b000sguw
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