Space Weather News for Sept 29, 2015 http://spaceweather com
HIGH SOLAR ACTIVITY: Big sunspot AR2422 is crackling with M-class solar flares and it has an unstable magnetic field that harbors energy for even stronger eruptions NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of powerful X-class solar flares during the next 24 hours Visit http://spaceweather com for more information and updates
SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO CHANGE: Dear Readers, we are upgrading our email server to handle an ever-growing list of subscribers to Spaceweather com Don't be surprised if your next email looks a little different (and maybe a whole lot better) than the plain text emails you are accustomed to receiving This change will allow us to deliver faster notices of space weather events with improved images and forecasts If there are any problems with the transition, we apologize in advance and appreciate your patience --Dr Tony Phillips
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