[list_settings.list_name] Current TLEs

Date: July 11th 2022

HST 1 20580U 90037B 22191 81668764 00001941 00000-0 10364-3 0 9997 2 20580 28 4709 13 9852 0002349 289 4518 158 9639 15 10648009570018 ISS (ZARYA) 1 25544U 98067A 22192 38874655 00005872 00000-0 11117-3 0 9998 2 25544 51 6432 216 7253 0004656 359 7066 139 5295 15 49900518348939 CXO 1 25867U 99040B 22194 49223242 00000394 00000-0 00000-0 0 9992 2 25867 44 5620 232 9606 8843796 235 4495 0 3048 0 37812587 11891

These 2-Line Elements (TLEs) are direct from DoD/ USSTRATCOM/ US Space Command with permission

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   David Cottle
   Director Of Engineering
   IDB Communications

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