2018-05-10 18:36:38 (M5.0) NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE 8.3 -104.0 (4aa80)

May 10th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE Geographic coordinates: 8.334N, 104.032W Magnitude: 5.0 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 10 May 2018 18:36:38 Time near the Epicenter: 10 May 2018 11:36:38 Local standard time in your area: 11 May 2018 04:36:38 Location with respect to nearby cities: 1047 km (650 miles) SSW (206 degrees) of Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico A ...Continue Reading

2018-05-10 18:02:29 (M5.9) MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES 6.9 123.8 (4aa80)

May 10th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: MORO GULF, MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES Geographic coordinates: 6.879N, 123.815E Magnitude: 5.9 Depth: 541 km Universal Time (UTC): 10 May 2018 18:02:29 Time near the Epicenter: 11 May 2018 02:02:29 Local standard time in your area: 11 May 2018 04:02:29 Location with respect to nearby cities: 62 km (39 miles) SW (231 degrees) of Cotabato, Mindanao, Phi ...Continue Reading

2018-05-10 11:56:56 (M5.6) LEYTE, PHILIPPINES 10.2 125.4 (4aa80)

May 10th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: LEYTE, PHILIPPINES Geographic coordinates: 10.173N, 125.439E Magnitude: 5.6 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 10 May 2018 11:56:57 Time near the Epicenter: 10 May 2018 19:56:57 Local standard time in your area: 10 May 2018 21:56:57 Location with respect to nearby cities: 44 km (27 miles) N (354 degrees) of Surigao, Mindanao, Philippines 101 km ...Continue Reading

2018-05-10 08:39:48 (M5.3) MOLUCCA SEA 1.0 126.1 (4aa80)

May 10th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: MOLUCCA SEA Geographic coordinates: 1.029N, 126.117E Magnitude: 5.3 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 10 May 2018 08:39:48 Time near the Epicenter: 10 May 2018 16:39:48 Local standard time in your area: 10 May 2018 18:39:48 Location with respect to nearby cities: 143 km (89 miles) W (280 degrees) of Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia 150 km (93 miles ...Continue Reading

2018-05-09 21:26:00 (M5.3) SUNDA STRAIT, INDONESIA -6.3 104.9 (4aa80)

May 9th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: SUNDA STRAIT, INDONESIA Geographic coordinates: 6.287S, 104.923E Magnitude: 5.3 Depth: 60 km Universal Time (UTC): 9 May 2018 21:26:00 Time near the Epicenter: 10 May 2018 04:26:00 Local standard time in your area: 10 May 2018 07:26:00 Location with respect to nearby cities: 99 km (61 miles) SSW (203 degrees) of T.-Telukbetung, Sumatra, Indones ...Continue Reading

2018-05-09 21:02:41 (M5.3) GUAM REGION 13.9 145.7 (4aa80)

May 9th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: GUAM REGION Geographic coordinates: 13.950N, 145.745E Magnitude: 5.3 Depth: 92 km Universal Time (UTC): 9 May 2018 21:02:42 Time near the Epicenter: 10 May 2018 07:02:42 Local standard time in your area: 10 May 2018 07:02:42 Location with respect to nearby cities: 120 km (75 miles) ENE (63 degrees) of HAGATNA, Guam 139 km (86 miles) S (179 degre ...Continue Reading

2018-05-09 10:41:45 (M6.2) HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN 37.0 71.4 (4aa80)

May 9th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN Geographic coordinates: 36.990N, 71.369E Magnitude: 6.2 Depth: 111 km Universal Time (UTC): 9 May 2018 10:41:46 Time near the Epicenter: 9 May 2018 15:11:46 Local standard time in your area: 9 May 2018 20:41:46 Location with respect to nearby cities: 62 km (39 miles) SSW (194 degrees) of Khorugh, Tajikistan 72 ...Continue Reading

2018-05-09 07:57:55 (M6.0) NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G. -5.9 151.8 (4aa80)

May 9th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G. Geographic coordinates: 5.892S, 151.796E Magnitude: 6.0 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 9 May 2018 07:57:55 Time near the Epicenter: 9 May 2018 17:57:55 Local standard time in your area: 9 May 2018 17:57:55 Location with respect to nearby cities: 191 km (119 miles) SSW (193 degrees) of Rabaul, New Britain, PNG 25 ...Continue Reading

2018-05-09 03:23:29 (M5.1) PAKISTAN 33.2 70.5 (4aa80)

May 8th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: PAKISTAN Geographic coordinates: 33.223N, 70.457E Magnitude: 5.1 Depth: 40 km Universal Time (UTC): 9 May 2018 03:23:30 Time near the Epicenter: 9 May 2018 08:23:30 Local standard time in your area: 9 May 2018 13:23:30 Location with respect to nearby cities: 134 km (83 miles) S (180 degrees) of Jalalabad, Afghanistan 134 km (84 miles) SW (230 ...Continue Reading

2018-05-08 08:14:12 UPDATED: (M5.5) GULF OF ALASKA 56.4 -148.5 (4aa80)

May 8th 2018 PST

== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Region: GULF OF ALASKA Geographic coordinates: 56.359N, 148.458W Magnitude: 5.5 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 8 May 2018 08:14:12 Time near the Epicenter: 7 May 2018 22:14:12 Local standard time in your area: 8 May 2018 18:14:12 Location with respect to nearby cities: 266 km (165 miles) ESE (120 degrees) of Chiniak, AK 286 km (178 miles) ESE (122 ...Continue Reading
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