2019-05-17 19:05:20 (M5.1) Nicobar Islands, India region 7.8 94.2 (4aa80)

May 17th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: Nicobar Islands, India region Geographic coordinates: 7.810N, 94.236E Magnitude: 5.1 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 17 May 2019 19:05:20 Time near the Epicenter: 18 May 2019 01:05:20 Local standard time in your area: 18 May 2019 05:05:20 Location with respect to nearby cities: 243.6 km (151.0 mi) NNW of Saban ...Continue Reading

2019-05-17 14:16:23 (M5.0) Near the coast of Tarapaca, Chile -19.8 -70.3 (4aa80)

May 17th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: Near the coast of Tarapaca, Chile Geographic coordinates: 19.838S, 70.293W Magnitude: 5.0 Depth: 81 km Universal Time (UTC): 17 May 2019 14:16:23 Time near the Epicenter: 17 May 2019 10:16:23 Local standard time in your area: 18 May 2019 00:16:23 Location with respect to nearby cities: 44.1 km (27.4 mi) NNW of Iqu ...Continue Reading

2019-05-17 05:27:28 (M5.2) Off the coast of Maule, Chile -35.1 -74.0 (4aa80)

May 16th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: Off the coast of Maule, Chile Geographic coordinates: 35.064S, 74.044W Magnitude: 5.2 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 17 May 2019 05:27:28 Time near the Epicenter: 17 May 2019 00:27:28 Local standard time in your area: 17 May 2019 15:27:28 Location with respect to nearby cities: 151.6 km (94.0 mi) WNW of Consti ...Continue Reading

2019-05-16 22:52:43 (M5.8) central East Pacific Rise -4.7 -105.9 (4aa80)

May 16th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: central East Pacific Rise Geographic coordinates: 4.666S, 105.862W Magnitude: 5.8 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 16 May 2019 22:52:44 Time near the Epicenter: 16 May 2019 15:52:44 Local standard time in your area: 17 May 2019 08:52:44 Location with respect to nearby cities: 1706.0 km (1057.7 mi) WSW of Puerto ...Continue Reading

2019-05-16 16:22:17 (M5.7) near the coast of Nicaragua 12.6 -87.8 (4aa80)

May 16th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: near the coast of Nicaragua Geographic coordinates: 12.644N, 87.799W Magnitude: 5.7 Depth: 70 km Universal Time (UTC): 16 May 2019 16:22:18 Time near the Epicenter: 16 May 2019 10:22:18 Local standard time in your area: 17 May 2019 02:22:18 Location with respect to nearby cities: 39.4 km (24.4 mi) WSW of Jiquilill ...Continue Reading

2019-05-16 14:32:49 (M5.1) Southern Peru -17.8 -70.2 (4aa80)

May 16th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: Southern Peru Geographic coordinates: 17.814S, 70.171W Magnitude: 5.1 Depth: 114 km Universal Time (UTC): 16 May 2019 14:32:49 Time near the Epicenter: 16 May 2019 09:32:49 Local standard time in your area: 17 May 2019 00:32:49 Location with respect to nearby cities: 14.3 km (8.8 mi) N of Calana, Peru 23.9 km (14. ...Continue Reading

2019-05-16 10:17:17 (M5.0) New Britain region, Papua New Guinea -4.3 152.9 (4aa80)

May 16th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: New Britain region, Papua New Guinea Geographic coordinates: 4.315S, 152.864E Magnitude: 5.0 Depth: 35 km Universal Time (UTC): 16 May 2019 10:17:17 Time near the Epicenter: 16 May 2019 20:17:17 Local standard time in your area: 16 May 2019 20:17:17 Location with respect to nearby cities: 66.1 km (41.0 mi) E of Ko ...Continue Reading

2019-05-16 01:23:59 (M5.7) New Britain region, Papua New Guinea -5.2 152.6 (4aa80)

May 15th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: New Britain region, Papua New Guinea Geographic coordinates: 5.226S, 152.619E Magnitude: 5.7 Depth: 25 km Universal Time (UTC): 16 May 2019 01:23:59 Time near the Epicenter: 16 May 2019 11:23:59 Local standard time in your area: 16 May 2019 11:23:59 Location with respect to nearby cities: 105.0 km (65.1 mi) SSE of ...Continue Reading

2019-05-16 00:32:14 (M5.1) San Juan, Argentina -31.5 -69.2 (4aa80)

May 15th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == Event type: Earthquake Region: San Juan, Argentina Geographic coordinates: 31.455S, 69.232W Magnitude: 5.1 Depth: 109 km Universal Time (UTC): 16 May 2019 00:32:14 Time near the Epicenter: 15 May 2019 21:32:14 Local standard time in your area: 16 May 2019 10:32:14 Location with respect to nearby cities: 22.4 km (13.9 mi) SE of Calingasta, Argen ...Continue Reading

2019-05-15 00:33:46 UPDATED: (M5.5) Bismarck Sea -3.3 149.0 (4aa80)

May 15th 2019 PST

== PRELIMINARY REPORT == ***This event has been revised. Event type: Earthquake Region: Bismarck Sea Geographic coordinates: 3.298S, 149.012E Magnitude: 5.5 Depth: 10 km Universal Time (UTC): 15 May 2019 00:33:46 Time near the Epicenter: 15 May 2019 10:33:46 Local standard time in your area: 15 May 2019 10:33:46 Location with respect to nearby cities: 213.8 km (132.5 ...Continue Reading
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