Thursday, May 25, 2006

Deserts Might Grow as Tropics Expand
The jet streams are on the move, and scientists say it could change rainfall long-term patterns around the globe.
U.S. Leadership in Science May Depend on 8th-Graders
Children who want to be scientists more likely to get science degrees, shows a new study that suggests they should be encouraged to think along these lines.
National Science Foundation Opens New Office … in Beijing
The move is partly a response to changes in the global research marketplace.

Scientists Aim to Duplicate Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak
Researchers are laying out the blueprint and calling for help in developing the exotic materials needed to build a real cloak.
HIV Traced to Wild Chimps
Twenty-five years after the first AIDS cases emerged, scientists have confirmed that the HIV virus plaguing humans really did originate in wild chimpanzees.
Image of the Day: The Early Worm Gets the Bacteria Infection
Giant tube worms rely completely on bacteria to metabolize sulfurous liquid for nutrition.


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