Monday, June 26, 2006

Smart Pill to Report from Inside the Body
Pending FDA approval, a device about the size of a multivitamin capsule would go in and out natural orifices and report on everything in between.
Brain Chip Made With Rat Neurons
A uniform neural net of brain cells—a brain chip—has been created by a team of scientists lead by Yael Hanein of Tel Aviv University in Israel.
Speed Limit Proposed to Save Whales
A limit of 10 knots in certain areas could help the roughly 300 right whales avoid extinction. Federal ships exempt.

Please Have a Seat: Wait for the Doctor Gets Longer
Patients on average spent more time waiting for a doctor in hospital emergency rooms in 2004 than they did seven years earlier
Darwin's Reputed Tortoise Dies At 176
The Galapagos tortoise that was long reputed to have been brought to Australia by Charles Darwin has died.
Image of the Day: Seahorses Are Weird
Not only are they fish that look like horses, but the males get pregnant.


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