Update for June 26, 2006
  DESTINATIONS: News | SpaceFlight | Science/Astronomy | SETI |   Space Business News
June 26, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: June 26, 2006 12:07 pm EDT 
Mini Black Holes Might Reveal 5th Dimension
A space telescope scheduled for launch in 2007 will be sensitive enough to detect theoretical miniature black holes lurking within our solar system. In doing so, it could test an exotic five-dimensional theory of gravity that competes with Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
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NASA Solicits Scientists’ Input on Lunar Experiments
LIVE Coverage: Russian Cargo Ship Nears ISS
Huge Asteroid to Fly Past Earth July 3
Hubble Telescope's Main Camera Stops Working
BLOG: Spacecraft Set for Moon Impact Sept. 3
posted: EDT
ESA, Russia to Collaborate on New Spacecraft Design
posted: 23 June 2006 10:56 am EDT
Seeing Double: Where to Find Two Stars for the Price of One
posted: 23 June 2006 06:13 am EDT
Dream Chaser: Heritage Hardware, a New Way of Doing Business
posted: 23 June 2006 06:47 am EDT
New! Great Space Quizzes: Shuttle Countdown
Return to Flight 2006: The STS-121 Discovery Mission
Ten Alien Encounters Debunked
posted: EDT
VIDEO: Black Hole: Warping Time & Space
Gallery: Asteroids
Gallery: Electric Earth

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