Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ancients Traveled 1,800 Miles for Pretty Axes
For millennia, people have gone to great lengths to get pretty things. Take, for example, the newly discovered journeys of early West Indian groups.
Surgeon General: Secondhand Smoke Can Kill
Some 126 million nonsmokers are exposed "involuntary smoking" and put at increased risk of death from lung cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.
Rare Chameleon Snake Found
Researchers scouring swamps in the heart of Borneo island have discovered a venomous species of snake that can change its skin color

Surprising Beauty Discovered on Pacific Seafloor
A newfound bed of deep-sea corals and other animal life found off the coast of Washington state looks strikingly tropical.
Supreme Court Wades into Greenhouse Gas Debate
The Supreme Court plunged on Monday into the acrimonious debate over global warming and whether the government should regulate "greenhouse" gases, especially carbon dioxide from cars.
Image of the Day: Where Lightning Strikes
Lightning hits land more than water, and here's why.


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