Update for June 27, 2006
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June 27, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: June 27, 2006 11:10 am EDT 
Meet the STS-121 Crew: The Flyers
The front seats aboard the space shuttle Discovery will be filled by two veterans of orbital flight when the spacecraft launches July 1.
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Flies with the Right Stuff: Shuttle Experiment to Explore Astronaut Immunity
Fresh Russian Cargo Ship Docks at ISS
Mini Black Holes Might Reveal 5th Dimension
Huge Asteroid to Fly Past Earth July 3
Heinlein Prize Trust to Honor X Prize Founder, Peter Diamandis
posted: 27 June 2006 09:43 am EDT
BLOG: Bezos Booster Details, the New Shepard Rocket
posted: EDT
NASA JSC's Head of Engineering Re-Assigned Days Before STS-121 Launch
posted: 26 June 2006 05:36 pm EDT
NASA Solicits Scientists’ Input on Lunar Experiments
posted: 26 June 2006 11:17 am EDT
Return to Flight 2006: The STS-121 Discovery Mission
New! Great Space Quizzes: Shuttle Countdown
Gallery: Asteroids
posted: EDT
Ten Alien Encounters Debunked
Gallery: Hurricanes from Above
Gallery: Electric Earth

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