American Forces Press Service

Bush Urges Troop Support Through 'America Supports You'

By John D. Banusiewicz
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 2, 2006 President Bush yesterday urged Americans to find ways to support the nation's servicemembers through the Defense Department's "America Supports You" program.

In his weekly radio address, the president noted sacrifices made for freedom throughout the nation's history, and suggested that during this Independence Day weekend, Americans turn to America Supports You to find a way to thank the men and women - and their families - who are making those sacrifices now.

"Today, a new generation of American patriots is defending our freedom against determined and ruthless enemies," Bush said. "At this hour, the men and women of our armed forces are facing danger in distant places, carrying out their missions with all the skill and honor we expect of them. And their families are enduring long separations from their loved ones with great courage and dignity.

"Our troops and our military families deserve all our support and gratitude," he continued, "and on this Fourth of July weekend, I ask every American to find a way to thank those who defend our freedom. To find out about efforts in your community, please visit the Web site"

The site spotlights how the American public and the corporate sector are supporting the nation's men and women in uniform and their families in ways both large and small. At the site, people can find existing efforts to join or can get ideas for new initiatives. They also can send messages of support to the troops or read messages from the troops themselves.

In his radio address, Bush said he will thank servicemembers face to face on the July 4 holiday at the home of the Army's 82nd Airborne Division, 18th Airborne Corps and Special Operations Command.

"I'm looking forward to spending Independence Day with members of our armed forces and their families at Fort Bragg, N.C.," he said. "These brave men and women risk their lives to defend the ideals of our founding generation, and I will have the honor of thanking many of them personally for their service in freedom's cause."

Bush emphasized the meaning of the Independence Day observance, noting that each generation of Americans has "served and sacrificed for the principles of our founding" as described in the Declaration of Independence. "As we celebrate the 4th," he continued, "we also remember that the promises of liberty contained in our Declaration apply to all people. Because Americans believe that freedom is an unalienable right, we value the freedom of every person in every nation. And because we are committed to the God-given worth of every life, we strive to promote respect for human dignity. Today, all who live in tyranny and all who yearn for freedom can know that America stands with them."

Related Sites:
President Bush's Radio Address
America Supports You

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NOTE: View the original version of this web page on DefenseLINK, the official website of the U.S. Department of Defense.

Visit the Defense Department's Web site "America Supports You" at, that spotlights what Americans are doing in support of U.S. military men and women serving at home and abroad.

Visit the Defense Department's Web site for the latest news and information about America's response to the war against terrorism: "Defend America" at

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