Update for July 3, 2006
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July 3, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 3, 2006 10:46 am EDT 
BREAKING NEWS: Foam Crack May Delay Discovery Launch
A crack in the insulating foam of Shuttle Discovery’s external tank discovered during a post-scrub inspection may delay Tuesday’s third scheduled launch attempt.
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Wild Weather: Iron Rain on Failed Stars
Return to Flight: Complete Coverage of Shuttle Discovery Launch
Tough Turnaround Ahead for Space Shuttle Discovery
New Way Suggested to Search for Life on Mars
Spectacular Chance to Spot Space Shuttle in Night Sky
posted: 29 June 2006 03:20 pm EDT
Hubble's Main Camera Successfully Switched to Backup Power
posted: 01 July 2006 10:58 am EDT
NASA Chief: Risk Inherent in Shuttle Flight
posted: 30 June 2006 6:19 p.m. EDT
Asteroid Spotting: Skywatchers to Glimpse Close Flyby
posted: 30 June 2006 01:40 am EDT
Shuttle to Carry Tools for Repair and Remote-Control Landing
Start the Clock: NASA’s Countdown Begins for Space Shuttle Launch
Space Shuttle: NASA’s Risky, High-Stakes Gamble
posted: 28 June 2006 07:11 am EDT
Why We Must Flee the Planet: The Geometry of Earth is All Wrong
Asteroid Defense: NASA to Formulate Planetary Protection Plan
Date of First Launch Set for New Mexico Spaceport

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

ET: A New Generation
Redesigned External Tanks for the Space Shuttle are prepared for flight.

New Era Of Rocket Launches Begins At California Base
A new spy satellite is circling Earth after a spectacular sendoff Tuesday evening, marking the first time such a clandestine national security spacecraft has launched aboard America's modern breed of rockets.

Superman Returns: Good Trumps Evil with Charm and a Little Cheesiness
Superman Returns brings everything you'd expect from a major summer flick based on a comic book about an alien superhero: Tremendous visual appeal, respectable acting performances, good trumping evil, and the cliched reminder that a kiss can solve even the biggest problems.


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