Update for July 4, 2006
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July 4, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 4, 2006 02:55 pm EDT 
Shuttle Discovery Reaches Orbit
NASA celebrated the Fourth of July with some rockets of its own Tuesday as the space shuttle Discovery launched its seven-astronaut crew into orbit.
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Great Space Quizzes: The Space Shuttle
BLOG: Europe Eyes Space Tourism
Wild Weather: Iron Rain on Failed Stars
New Way Suggested to Search for Life on Mars
Spectacular Chance to Spot Space Shuttle in Night Sky
posted: 29 June 2006 03:20 pm EDT
Hubble's Main Camera Successfully Switched to Backup Power
posted: 01 July 2006 10:58 am EDT
NASA Chief: Risk Inherent in Shuttle Flight
posted: 30 June 2006 6:19 p.m. EDT
Asteroid Spotting: Skywatchers to Glimpse Close Flyby
posted: 30 June 2006 01:40 am EDT
Shuttle to Carry Tools for Repair and Remote-Control Landing
Start the Clock: NASA’s Countdown Begins for Space Shuttle Launch
Space Shuttle: NASA’s Risky, High-Stakes Gamble
posted: 28 June 2006 07:11 am EDT
Why We Must Flee the Planet: The Geometry of Earth is All Wrong
Asteroid Defense: NASA to Formulate Planetary Protection Plan
Date of First Launch Set for New Mexico Spaceport

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

ET: A New Generation
Redesigned External Tanks for the Space Shuttle are prepared for flight.

New Era Of Rocket Launches Begins At California Base
A new spy satellite is circling Earth after a spectacular sendoff Tuesday evening, marking the first time such a clandestine national security spacecraft has launched aboard America's modern breed of rockets.

Superman Returns: Good Trumps Evil with Charm and a Little Cheesiness
Superman Returns brings everything you'd expect from a major summer flick based on a comic book about an alien superhero: Tremendous visual appeal, respectable acting performances, good trumping evil, and the cliched reminder that a kiss can solve even the biggest problems.


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