PR/CP(2006) 081
5 July/juillet 2006

NATO North Atlantic Council Statement on North Korea


On July 5, the North Atlantic Council met in Brussels to express the Alliance's grave concern over North Korea's (DPRK's) launch of a Taepodong-2 and other missiles. North Koreas development, deployment and proliferation of ballistic missiles, missile-related materials, equipment, and technology pose a serious threat to the region and the international community at large. We regret and condemn this launch. This action will only further isolate North Korea from the international community and harm the interests of its people.

North Korea's missile programs and provocative actions necessitate a firm response from the international community, and we will support the international community's efforts to address this matter broadly, including at the UN Security Council which will meet later today.

We call on the DPRK to cease immediately the development of long-range missiles, to reconfirm its moratorium on all long-range missile launches, to abide by the guidelines of the Missile Technology Control Regime, and to subscribe to the Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missile Proliferation.

We urge the DPRK to immediately return to the Six-Party Talks without precondition, to work toward the expeditious implementation of the September 19, 2005 Joint Statement, and to completely and verifiably eliminate its nuclear weapons and related programs.

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