Friday, July 7, 2006

Venture Capitalists Pledge $10 Million to Save Tigers
Saving big cats comes down to money. And now scientists have some.
Not Picky: Animal Makes Skeleton From This or That
Corals can alter their skeleton to match the changing chemistry of seawater, making them the only known animals to achieve such a feat, according to a new study.
Right Whales Get 36,750 Square Miles to Call Their Own
An area off Alaska is designated as critical habitat for the most endangered whale in the world.

Enuf is Enuf: Some Peepl Thru with Dificult Spelingz
Those in favor of simplified spelling say children would learn faster and illiteracy rates would drop. Opponents say a new system would make spelling even more confusing.
Age of the Sierra Nevada Revealed
Drops of water reveal the age of the tallest mountain range in the continental U.S.
Image of the Day: Amphibian Extinction
32.5 percent of the 5,743 known species of amphibians are currently threatened.


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