Update for July 10, 2006
  DESTINATIONS: News | SpaceFlight | Science/Astronomy | SETI |   Space Business News
July 10, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 10, 2006 11:36 am EDT 
Spacewalkers to Make Critical Space Station Repairs
HOUSTON – Two astronauts are set to step outside the International Space Station (ISS) Monday and make a critical repair to aid future construction of the orbital laboratory.
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NASA Clears Shuttle Discovery for Return Trip
SIM To Bear Cost of Resurrecting SOFIA
Black Holes: Solving Mysteries Creates More Mysteries
The Celestial Medicine Man
Shuttle Astronauts Haul Cargo to ISS, Enjoy Flight
posted: 9 July 2006 3:21 p.m. EDT
Mystery Object Found in Supernova's Heart
posted: 06 July 2006 02:00 pm EDT
NASA Advised to Revamp Mars Plans
posted: 06 July 2006 09:00 am EDT
Tourism Update: Jeff Bezos’ Spaceship Plans Revealed
posted: 05 July 2006 08:22 am EDT
Video: Goldilocks and the Greenhouse
New Gallery: Colorful Butterflies
Wallpaper: Galactic Empire
posted: EDT
Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space
Top 10: The Wildest Weather in the Galaxy
The Great Space Quizzes: Life in Orbit

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