Monday, July 10, 2006

Ancient U.S. Antelope Migration Route in Danger
A 6,000-year-old corridor between Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks shrinks as developments move in.
How Mosquitoes Find a Mate: Lots of Whining
The high-pitched whine of a mosquito might drive you nuts, but it's music to the ears of these little pests.
Mystery Solved: Why Gorillas Eat Rotting Wood
After observing mountain gorillas in Uganda for nearly a year, scientists believe they have discovered why the animals eat decayed wood and lick tree stumps.

Study: Europe's Glaciers Could Disappear this Century
The majority of Alpine glaciers might disappear in the coming decades
Letters Reveal Obscure Lover of Einstein
An obscure lover has emerged in letters unsealed by the Hebrew University.
Image of the Day: Typhoon Ewiniar Picks Up Steam
On July 7, Typhoon Ewiniar swirled across the western Pacific offshore of China, Taiwan, and the Philippines. The eye of the storm is about 430 miles from Taiwan.


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