Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Healthy Offspring Born From Lab-Grown Sperm
Scientists have fertilized mouse eggs with sperm created from embryonic stem cells in the lab, a new study reports.
Historical Tours Get New High-Tech Guide
Monuments often lack good historical explanations or offer information that is out of date. A new project would send presentations to cell phones.
What a Trip: Psychedelic Drug Study Recalls the '60s
Many of the volunteers rated their reaction to the drug as one of the most meaningful or spiritually significant experiences of their lives.

Global Warming Could Sour Wine Industry
Heat could kill some of the premium growing regions, a new study predicts.
One Quest for Immortality Not Quite Science, Experts Say
Results of a competition designed to debunk a widely publicized strategy for defeating aging have set off a whole new round of controversy.
Image of the Day: Leatherback Sea Turtle Lays Her Eggs
Photograph collage of a nesting leatherback sea turtle.


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