Update for July 11, 2006
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July 11, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 11, 2006 12:09 pm EDT 
Scientists Question Nature's Fundamental Laws
Public confidence in the "constants" of nature may be at an all time low. Recent research has found evidence that the value of certain fundamental parameters may have been different in the past.
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Eager Shuttle Crew Passes Spaceflight’s Halfway Mark
Shuttle Spacewalkers Make Vital ISS Railcar Repair
Black Holes: Solving Mysteries Creates More Mysteries
The Celestial Medicine Man
BLOG: SpaceX Work on Falcon 1.1 Booster Begins in Earnest
posted: EDT
NASA: Spacewalk Clears Path for ISS Construction
posted: 10 July 2006 06:40 pm EDT
India's Test Launch of New Missile Fails
posted: 10 July 2006 11:52 am EDT
Spacewalkers to Make Critical Space Station Repairs
posted: 10 July 2006 1:36 a.m. EDT
Amazing Galaxies: Great Backyard Images
Extreme Adventures: The Best of Your Images
Amazing Images: Upload Yours Now and Even Buy a Poster!
posted: EDT
Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space
Gallery: Earth, As Seen from Space
STS-121: Discovery's Launch Day Photo Album

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night Digital Download 5.8
Follow the actual path of a probe's orbit through the solar system.

Top 10 Star Mysteries
Astronomers are gradually figuring out how stars work and what makes each variety unique.

The Great Space Quizzes: Name That Shuttle Mission
STS-121 marks the 115th space shuttle mission, 25 years after the first one launched.


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