Wednesday, July 12, 2006

How Spiders 'Fly' Hundreds of Miles
They can travel hundreds of miles by air, but have virtually no say in where they go.
Transgender Prof Defends Female Scientists
Scientist says it's too soon to end the discussion surrounding the comparative math and science abilities of men and women.
U.S. Southwest Warned of Potential Virus Outbreak
The Four Corners region of the United States will be at greater risk for hantavirus outbreak this year than in 2005

Depression Linked to Uncontrolled Negative Thoughts
Rigid thinking, inattention and lowered inhibitions are linked to late-onset depression in some older people.
Product of Olive Oil Could Help Deliver Drugs
Using sugar and olive oil, scientists create tiny capsules that could deliver medicine.
Image of the Day: The 'Leaf' That Hops
Animals such as this leaf-litter mimic frog disquise themselves as dead leaves to blend into the forest floor and escape detection from predators.


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