Update for July 12, 2006
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July 12, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 12, 2006 10:28 am EDT 
Return to Flight: STS-121 Full Coverage
Complete coverage the STS-121 Discovery mission to the International Space Station.
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Lofty Goals For Higher Education: Students Build and Test Near-Space Technology
Shuttle Crew Takes Presidential Call, Moves Cargo
Scientists Question Nature's Fundamental Laws
Black Holes: Solving Mysteries Creates More Mysteries
Eager Shuttle Crew Passes Spaceflight’s Halfway Mark
posted: 11 July 2006 10:22 am EDT
Woman Loses Consciousness After Riding Disney's 'Mission: SPACE'
posted: 11 July 2006 12:10 pm EDT
NASA: Spacewalk Clears Path for ISS Construction
posted: 10 July 2006 06:40 pm EDT
Shuttle Spacewalkers Make Vital ISS Railcar Repair
posted: 10 July 2006 2:45 p.m. EDT
The Great Space Quizzes: Name That Shuttle Mission
Multimedia: Goldilocks and the Greenhouse
Ten Alien Encounters Debunked
posted: EDT
Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space
Amazing Galaxies: Great Backyard Images
Extreme Adventures: The Best of Your Images

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New Gallery: The Many Faces of the Sun
Images from a new book, "The Sun". Explore Now!

Top 10 Star Mysteries
Astronomers are gradually figuring out how stars work and what makes each variety unique.


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