Friday, July 14, 2006

Scientists Concoct Chocolate That Won't Melt
The question now is whether consumers will approve the taste and texture. Many past attempts have failed.
Desire Controls What We See, Study Finds
Without realizing it, people will perceive things according to how they want to see them, a new study suggests.
Darwin's Finches Evolve Before Scientists' Eyes
Competition for food between two species drives an important evolutionary concept.

Girl's First Period Depends on Who She Lives With
A new study suggests that like many animals, humans have evolved built-in mechanisms to help prevent incest.
Man Arrested for Doing 56 mph on In-line Skates
If he had wanted a safer ride at those speeds, he should have used a trusty MagnaPoon.
Image of the Day: Oil Platforms Save Rockfish
Rockfish thrive in offshore oil and gas platforms, an alternative nursery habitat to natural reefs.


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