Thursday, July 20, 2006

History Suggests Major Wind Shift Could Again Bring Drought to Great Plains
Sand dune records show that wind is the reason behind the drought of the Medieval Warm Period.
Ocean 'Gummy Bears' Fight Global Warming
Swarms of lowly thumb-sized ocean creatures play a critical role in transporting greenhouse gas carbon deep into the deep sea.
Yesterday's News Now on DVD
CustomFlix, a division of Amazon, allows customers to choose from thousands of news clips and news shows dating back more than ten years.

The Red Sea Parts Again
Chunks of Earth are drifting apart, slowly widening the sea with no help from Moses.
Deadly Fish Virus Spreads in Northeast
Hundreds of fish wash ashore as a virus found in two species appears to have spread to two more.
Image of the Day: Insect Herbivory
New research shows that higher tree species diversity leads directly to higher diversity of leaf-eating insects.


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