Update for July 20, 2006
  DESTINATIONS: News | SpaceFlight | Science/Astronomy | SETI |   Space Business News
July 20, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 20, 2006 10:41 am EDT 
Is SETI Barking up the Wrong Tree?
Some people mistakenly confuse a long search with a thorough one, and figure that the lack of a SETI detection indicates that we’re alone in the Galaxy. This, however, is nonsense.
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Apollo 11 Anniversary: Heroes, Quests and Space
Discovery crew returns home to Houston
Mystery of Explosive Star Solved
Patch of Saturn's Moon Resembles Earth
Beyond Discovery: A Soyuz-Shuttle-Station Shuffle
posted: 19 July 2006 06:31 am EDT
Falcon 1 Failure Traced to a Busted Nut
posted: 19 July 2006 06:18 am EDT
Virgin Galactic Aims to Fly Passengers by 2008
posted: 18 July 2006 08:58 am EDT
Radiation and Bone Loss: Deep Space Mission Concerns
posted: 18 July 2006 06:57 am EDT
Top 10 Apollo Hoax Theories
New Wallpaper: Spaceships
Video: Looking For Life
posted: EDT
STS-121: The Mission in Pictures
Vote: The Best Space Movies
Gallery: The World's Biggest Beasts

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night® Constellation Adventure
The Best Way for Kids to Start Exploring the Universe! Give your future astronaut the tools they need to explore the Universe.

Gallery: Stargazing
People travel for miles to gather and gaze at the stars. In this gallery, peer through the lenses of astrophotographers.

Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind
Much of what we don't understand about being human is simply in our heads.


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