Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Red Sea Parts Again
Chunks of Earth are drifting apart, slowly widening the sea with no help from Moses.
Top Predators Key to Ecosystem Survival, Study Shows
The most feared creatures at the top of a food chain maintain equilibrium, but humans often disturb this delicate balance.
The Reason Eyes are Transparent Finally Becomes Clear
Scientists have long wondered why the cornea has no blood vessels. Now they know, thanks to a discovery that could lead to treatments for eye diseases and even cancer.

Flocking to the Coast: World's Population Migrating into Danger
Scientists project where people will move to by 2025. Along the coast, it's going to get very crowded.
Eureka! Bacteria Have the Midas Touch
Scientists have discovered that a lowly bacteria appears to turn dissolved metal into solid gold.
Image of the Day: The Spider That Weaves the Golden Web
Golden orb weavers (golden orb web spiders) are common in tropical and subtropical forests throughout the world. Credit: Bruce Marcot


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