Update for July 21, 2006
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July 21, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 21, 2006 11:09 am EDT 
Doorstep Astronomy: Wild Ducks and a Chrysanthemum
Two objects are well placed for viewing as soon as the sky gets sufficiently dark.
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Rejected COTS Bidder Says NASA Not Serious About Finding ISS Resupply Solution
Project Orion to Follow Apollo to the Moon
Is SETI Barking up the Wrong Tree?
Mystery of Explosive Star Solved
German Chancellor Talks Science with Nation's First ISS Astronaut
posted: 20 July 2006 04:33 pm EDT
Apollo 11 Anniversary: Heroes, Quests and Space
posted: 20 July 2006 07:39 am EDT
Discovery crew returns home to Houston
posted: 19 July 2006 04:07 pm EDT
Patch of Saturn's Moon Resembles Earth
posted: 19 July 2006 04:47 pm EDT
VIDEO: Figure the Odds of E.T.!
New Wallpaper: Spaceships
STS-121: The Mission in Pictures
posted: EDT
Vote: The Best Space Movies
Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space
Gallery: The World's Biggest Beasts

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