Friday, July 21, 2006

The Real Reason Louisiana is Sinking
Every 15 minutes, land equal to the size of a football field sinks into the Gulf of Mexico. One scientist proposes a new reason for the state's sinking feeling.
Study: Kids Should Play More
Doctors may soon have a prescription for health that even kids will like: more playtime.
World's Tiger Habitat Down 40 Percent
Tiger habitats worldwide have shrunk 40 percent in the past decade and their survival depends on cracking down on poaching, working to reduce conflicts with humans, and protecting key ranges.

Sahara Desert Was Once Lush and Populated
Just a few thousand years ago, humans followed monsoon rains to the Sahara Desert and were greeted with lush vegetation and plentiful wildlife.
History Suggests Major Wind Shift Could Again Bring Drought to Great Plains
Sand dune records show that wind is the reason behind the drought of the Medieval Warm Period.
Image of the Day: Faking Hair
A new computer rendering realistically portrays golden hair.


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