Update for July 24, 2006
  DESTINATIONS: News | SpaceFlight | Science/Astronomy | SETI |   Space Business News
July 24, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 24, 2006 11:00 am EDT 
New Life in Dead Star: Supernova 'Changing Right Before Our Eyes'
Newly detected dust found around the burst remains of a dead star could help reveal how planets and stars formed and how life began.
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Eumetsat to Go Beyond Weather and Explore Earth Science
BLOG: Sex in Space -- Getting a Grip on Gravity
Doorstep Astronomy: Wild Ducks and a Chrysanthemum
Is SETI Barking up the Wrong Tree?
Back at Full Strength, ISS Crew Takes a Break
posted: 23 July 2006 11:33 a.m. EDT
Bigelow's Big Gamble: Building a Space Station
posted: 21 July 2006 02:15 pm EDT
NASA Readies Space Station Trusses for Next Shuttle Launch
posted: 21 July 2006 4:51 p.m. EDT
Space Adventures Offers $15 Million Spacewalks for ISS Visitors
posted: 21 July 2006 11:38 am EDT
Multimedia: Weightless! Join the Zero Gravity Adventure
Trivia: The Artifact Wars Cool Science Galleries
posted: EDT
Gallery: Moon Shots
Nebulas: The Best of Your Amazing Images
New Wallpaper: Spaceships

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night™ Complete Space and Astronomy Pack
If you're new to astronomy, this is the perfect introduction. Explore these great features!

Gallery: SOHO Cool!
Best images of the Sun from the SOHO spacecraft.

VIDEO: Novas: Pouring Gas on a Fire
When one star dumps pure fuel on another, a runaway thermonuclear blast can be touched off.


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