Monday, July 24, 2006

Even Elephants Can't Move Mountains, So They Avoid Them
Even a tiny hill can mean a big expenditure of energy for an elephant. So they avoid slopes, a new study suggests.
Robotic Surgeon Attacks Moving Tumors
A brain upgrade allows this surgeon to deftly destroy tumors that move while a patient breathes.
New Type of Sunscreen Approved for Sale
A sunscreen that blocks the type of ultraviolet radiation linked to some cancers received federal approval Monday.

The Artifact Wars: Nations Battle Over Bits of History
Museums often hold important cultural objects from other countries that were obtained in a long chain of "criminal and sleazy" activities. Let the lawsuits begin.
An Idea That Just Might Fly
Don't call it a flying car. It's a road-ready airplane. But will it take off?
Image of the Day: Wild Mudflats, Alaskan Style
As our noisy Beaver floatplane tilts into the morning sun, we find ourselves banking over vast mudflats here in coastal southeast Alaska. Below, the river channels filigree into tendrils that look like gargantuan dendrites of some impossible neuron.


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