Update for July 25, 2006
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July 25, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 25, 2006 11:42 am EDT 
Heat Vision: Infrared Eyes Aid Shuttle Health Predictions
The space shuttle Discovery’s mission may be over, but NASA is still hard at work evaluating a set of infrared tools used during the flight to help predict whether an orbiter’s heat shield is clear to return astronauts back home safely.
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Shuttle Atlantis Suits Up for Flight
NASA Vision Plans Doomed, Space Advocacy Group Reports
Evidence of Hydrocarbon Lakes on Titan
Why Fast-Spinning Young Stars Don't Fly Apart
New Life in Dead Star: Supernova 'Changing Right Before Our Eyes'
posted: 24 July 2006 06:13 am EDT
Eumetsat to Go Beyond Weather and Explore Earth Science
posted: 24 July 2006 09:02 am EDT
BLOG: Sex in Space -- Getting a Grip on Gravity
posted: EDT
Back at Full Strength, ISS Crew Takes a Break
posted: 23 July 2006 11:33 a.m. EDT
Video: Parachuting onto Titan
Space Tourism: A Multimedia Special Report
Gallery: SOHO Cool!
posted: EDT
Gallery: Moon Shots
Trivia: The Artifact Wars Cool Science Galleries

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New Gallery: STS 121: Space in Infrared
Cool infrared space images taken during the STS-121 mission.

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