Update for July 26, 2006
  DESTINATIONS: News | SpaceFlight | Science/Astronomy | SETI |   Space Business News
July 26, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 26, 2006 11:41 am EDT 
Genesis-1: Reaching Escape Velocity From Red Tape
The orbiting of the privately-bankrolled Genesis-1 expandable spacecraft by Bigelow Aerospace is a step forward in the company’s vision to provide a low-cost, low Earth orbit human-rated space complex that is accessible to the commercial sector.
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Public Weighs in on West Texas Spaceport Plan
Ashes in Orbit: U.S. Firm to Offer Memorial Launches in China
Evidence of Hydrocarbon Lakes on Titan
New Life in Dead Star: Supernova 'Changing Right Before Our Eyes'
Heat Vision: Infrared Eyes Aid Shuttle Health Predictions
posted: 25 July 2006 7:00 a.m. EDT
Shuttle Atlantis Suits Up for Flight
posted: 25 Juy 2006 10:00 a.m. EDT
Why Fast-Spinning Young Stars Don't Fly Apart
posted: 24 July 2006 03:10 pm EDT
NASA Vision Plans Doomed, Space Advocacy Group Reports
posted: 24 July 2006 01:13 pm EDT
Gallery: Casting Our Solar System In a New Light
New!'s Stellar Blast
VIDEO: Our Corner of the Cosmos
posted: EDT
Amazing Images: Upload Yours Now and Even Buy a Poster!
Gallery: Moon Shots Cool Science Galleries

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night ™ Enthusiast Version 5.0
For the adventurous at heart, 2.5 million stars are yours to explore. Go anywhere you want, see anything you want!

New Gallery: STS 121: Space in Infrared
Cool infrared space images taken during the STS-121 mission.

Trivia: The Dirty Jobs of Sharks
Portrayed as mean and random killers, sharks for the most part just quietly go about their humble jobs, often stuff no other creature wants to do.


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