Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hybrid Scooter Would Run on Hydrogen
An industrial design student in The Netherlands has built a prototype green machine. Flip-flops not included.
A New Wave: Scientists Write on Water
A new technology generates standing waves to form letters in a tank of water.
Shark Fins and Human Arms Made from Same Genes
A suite of genes involved in fish fin development also plays a role in the development of paired limbs in land animals.

What Makes Sea Creatures Large or Small
A long-sought connection is found between the size of animals in shallow and deep water.
Praying Mantids Wise to Sexual Cannibalism Risk
If you are a male praying mantid, the top item on your prayer list would be to survive sex.
Image of the Day: World's Biggest Aviation Event
Flying fanatics are flocking to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and the 54th annual fly-in of the Experimental Aircraft Association this week, through Sunday.


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