Thursday, July 27, 2006

Newfound Snake Anti-Venom is Already Inside You
Our immune systems might already be effective in protecting us against small doses of venom from certain snakes and insects without any outside help.
Scientist: Inject Sulfur into Air to Battle Global Warming
A scientist says we can mimic the effect of volcanoes and shade the whole planet.
Cosmic Dust Ruled Out in Ancient Global Warming
About 10,000 years ago, the planet warmed. Extra space dust had been suggested as a cause. Can't be, scientist says.

Ants Store Fat for Lean Times
Fat soldiers and lean workers both pack extra milligrams for the greater good.
Praying Mantids Wise to Sexual Cannibalism Risk
If you are a male praying mantid, the top item on your prayer list would be to survive sex.
Image of the Day: Corals from Space
A first-of-its-kind survey of how well the world's coral reefs are being protected was made possible by a unique collection of NASA views from space.


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