Update for July 28, 2006
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July 28, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: July 28, 2006 10:56 am EDT 
Wet Wear: Aquanauts Test Spacesuit Concepts on Ocean Floor
Six aquanauts will rise from the deep today after nearly a week stationed on the ocean floor testing spacesuit concepts for future Moon and Mars missions.
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Shuttle Atlantis Could Fly One Day Earlier, NASA Says
Rockot Booster Returns to Flight in Satellite Launch
Six Not-So-Famous Summer Meteor Showers
Newfound Blob is Biggest Thing in the Universe
STS-78 Astronaut Charles Brady, 54, Dies
posted: 28 July 2006 10:27 a.m. EDT
Discovery's STS-121 Mission: NASA Made the Right Call
posted: 27 July 2006 02:10 pm EDT
Space Station Astronauts Prepare for Aug. 3 Spacewalk
posted: 27 July 2006 5:00 p.m. EDT
Hot New Idea: How Dead Stars Go Cold
posted: 27 July 2006 06:16 am EDT
The Sex Quiz: Myths, Taboos and Bizarre Facts
Trivia: The Dirty Jobs of Sharks
Gallery: Unique Aircraft
posted: EDT
Vote Now: The Strangest Things in Space
Gallery: Casting Our Solar System In a New Light
Vote: The Best Space Movies

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