Friday, July 28, 2006

New Type of Volcano Pops Up
Small volcanoes discovered east of the Japanese Islands on the western Pacific Ocean floor formed through an unrecognized type of volcanism.
Shadowy T-rays: Hunting Tumors and Exploring the Universe
X-rays and microwaves have all sorts of applications, but researchers are just beginning to explore lesser known T-rays.
Newfound Snake Anti-Venom is Already Inside You
Our immune systems might already be effective in protecting us against small doses of venom from certain snakes and insects without any outside help.

Scientist: Inject Sulfur into Air to Battle Global Warming
A scientist says we can mimic the effect of volcanoes and shade the whole planet.
Eye Transmits to Brain at Ethernet Speed
The human eye transmits visual data to the brain at about the same speed as two computers can share data.
Image of the Day: The Hardest Part of Filming Car Chases
The Ultimate Arm Camera Crane System was created for specialized vehicle photography such as high-speed car chases, trains, motorcycles, and racetrack scenes.


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