Monday, July 31, 2006

The Real Scoop on Rumors and Gossip
What you hear depends on who you're with. Scientists have found that while many rumors can cause mistrust, gossiping can bring friends closer together.
Modern M.A.S.H.: Soldiers Could Pack Their Own Freeze-Dried Blood
Soldiers in the field may carry an emergency blood supply based on their own blood, revolutionizing trauma care on the battlefield.
Scientists Say Erie Mirage Could Be Real
Scientists say it's a mirage, but others swear that when the weather is right, Clevelanders can see across Lake Erie and spot Canadian trees and buildings 50 miles away.

Recycling Medical Devices Raises Concerns
The recycling of medical equipment originally meant for one-time use is raising concerns that patients could be put in danger.
Ants More Aggressive When in Gangs
Whether in a bar or on the battlefield, it’s easier to fight knowing friends have your back. The same is true in the ant world.
Image of the Day: A Flower You Don't Want To Sniff
The “corpse plant” invests a lot of energy during blooming to heat up a sulfur-based compound in the flower stalk so the rotting flesh-like odor will spread several feet away from the plant to attract pollinators.


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