Update for August 2, 2006
  DESTINATIONS: News | SpaceFlight | Science/Astronomy | SETI |   Space Business News
August 2, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: August 2, 2006 11:17 am EDT 
Rocketbelts: High Time For New Technology
Next month, for the first time in public, members of the original Bell Aerospace rocketbelt team are meeting modern day rocketbelt engineers, builders, and pilots from around the world—enthusiasts that are keen on keeping the dream alive and high-flying.
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After Weather Delays, Space Shuttle Atlantis Reaches Launch Pad
Russia Suspends Dnepr Launches Pending Crash Investigation, Cleanup
Habitable Planet Possible Around Nearby Star System
Studies Find the Toxic Side of Martian Dust Storms
Differences Spotted in Jupiter's Big Red Storms
posted: 31 July 2006 02:29 pm EDT
Multi-Nation Moon Collaboration Backed
posted: 31 July 2006 03:38 pm EDT
Apparent Concentrations of Galaxies Puzzles Astronomers
posted: 31 July 2006 02:34 pm EDT
Hubble Puzzle: How Safe is a Shuttle Servicing Mission?
posted: 31 July 2006 7:00 a.m. EDT
VIDEO: Extreme Living: On Earth and Other Worlds
Wallpaper: Visions of the Future
Mars Madness: A Multimedia Adventure!
posted: EDT
Trivia: The Dirty Jobs of Sharks
The Sex Quiz: Myths, Taboos and Bizarre Facts
New Gallery: Colorful Creations: Incredible Coral

   What is This?
 Starry Night Astronomy

Starry Night™ Middle School
Bring the universe into your classroom. Starry Night Middle School introduces astronomy through innovative lessons.

Gallery: Spitzer's Infrared Views of the Cosmos
Welcome to the world of infrared astronomy - - take an incredible journey through the cosmos!

Gallery: Building the International Space Station
Five years in the making: Assembly of the Space Station one piece at a time.


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