Wednesday, August 2, 2006

A No Brainer: Predators Prefer Dimwitted Prey
Predatory chimps and large cats are more likely to target small-brained prey that are less capable of escaping attack.
Bees Can Predict Temperature in Flowers
Bees look for flower colors that signify warm temperatures when choosing their dining spot. And they remember what they learn.
Hawaiian Temples Much Older Than Thought
Ancient Hawaiians also did more remodeling than researchers knew, a new study finds.

Evolution Opponents Lose in Kansas Primary
Conservative Republicans who pushed anti-evolution standards back into Kansas schools last year have lost control of the state Board of Education once again.
Survey: Most Obese Claim to Eat Healthy
More than three-quarters of obese Americans say they have healthy eating habits, according to a survey of more than 11,000 people.
Image of the Day: Arthropod in Amber
Grinnellia ventis a new genus of an extinct branch of the Collembola, a group of small arthropods partly responsible for the nutritious soil farmers enjoy, has been discovered by a Grinnell College professor.


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