NATO Update - 7-13 August 2006
7-13 August 2006

"NATO Update" provides
up-to-date news
activities and
Conceived for
the general
public, it aims to give a broad
overview of
Alliance-wide initiatives.

NATO- ISAF expands to Southern Afghanistan
The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force today assumed command of the Southern region of Afghanistan from US-led Coalition forces, further extending ISAF’s mission since NATO took command of the ISAF mission in Kabul in August 2003.
Security centre a step forward for Afghan province
The opening of a NATO-ISAF supported centre for coordinating the security efforts of Afghan authorities, as well as an emergency phone line, mark a further step forward for security in the Baghlan province of Afghanistan.
NATO study focuses on protecting sea life
The NATO Undersea Research Centre has completed its latest campaign - Sirena06 - aimed at developing solutions for reducing the impact of man-made noise on marine mammal life, 8 August 2006.
NATO’s top commander visits Kosovo
Visiting Kosovo on 3 August, NATO’s top operational commander, General James L. Jones, said that the NATO-led KFOR will continue to provide a safe and secure environment, so that the political process can move forward.

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