Update for August 14, 2006
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August 14, 2006
  TOP STORY posted: August 14, 2006 10:59 am EDT 
Star Warp: Long-Sought Shapely Space Figure Found
Observations by the Smithsonian's Submillimeter Array (SMA) has found the first conclusive evidence of an hourglass-shaped magnetic field in a star formation region, as predicted.
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The Smallsat Search for Low-Cost Launch
Tale of the TV Tapes: Apollo 11 Mission Archive Mystery Unspools
Foxy Star Pattern Points to Other Stellar Sights
Catch the Sky Falling: Peter Jenniskens, Meteor Storm Chaser
Atlantis Shuttle Astronauts Eager for Spaceflight
posted: 12 August 2006 1:00 a.m. EDT
Ariane 5 Rocket Successfully Orbits Satellite Duo
posted: 12 August 2006 1:29 a.m. EDT
Burt Rutan on Civilian Spaceflight, Breakthroughs, and Inside SpaceShipTwo
posted: 11 August 2006 03:54 pm EDT
Next Shuttle Mission to Kick Start Tricky ISS Construction
posted: 11 August 2006 9:31 p.m. EDT
Top 10 Apollo Hoax Theories
Great Space Quizzes: The Space Shuttle
VIDEO Animation: Slow Birth of a Black Hole
posted: EDT
Solar System Planets: The Best of Your Amazing Images
New Gallery: Freaky Fish
Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind

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