General Officer Assignments The chief of staff, Air Force announces the assignments of the following general officers: Brig.
Brooks L.
Bash, commander, 15th Expeditionary Mobility Task Force, Air Mobility Command, Travis Air Force Base, Calif., to director, combat and information operations, J-3A, Headquarters U.S.
Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. Brig.
Mark E.
Stearns, director, strategy, policy and plans, J-5, Headquarters Southern Command, Miami, Fla., to commander, 15th Expeditionary Mobility Task Force, Air Mobility Command, Travis Air Force Base, Calif. Brig.
(select) Marvin T.
Smoot Jr., special assistant for general officer and flag officer matters, Joint Staff, Pentagon, Washington, D.C., to director, manpower, organization and resources, deputy chief of staff, manpower and personnel, Headquarters U.S.
Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
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