Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Study: Man-made Climate Change Causing Stronger Hurricanes
Global warming and not natural variations in ocean cycle are to blame for stronger hurricanes, according to a new study.
Men with Low Testosterone More Likely to Die
A new study can't say if low testosterone levels are causing the deaths, but the research links the two.
Hot Dogs May Cause Genetic Mutations
Extracts from hot dogs bought from the supermarket, when mixed with nitrites, resulted in what appeared to be these DNA mutating compounds.

Watch and Learn: Physics Professor Walks on Fire
Why: "Nothing gets a student's attention like the possibility that I might kill myself." How: "Even if it's on fire, wood doesn't get that hot."
Lesser Bird Flu Possibly Found in United States
Scientists have discovered possible bird flu in two wild swans on the shore of Lake Erie, but it does not appear to be the much-feared Asian strain.
Image of the Day: Cryptic Coalition
Peruvian caterpillars fool their enemies by foraging together in a large group.


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